Ament Build -test failed

i thought we are posting ros2 issues in ros discourse. And also, as this topic is related to ament build tests which i created earlier so I linked this issue to this thread.

I did sudo apt-get remove ros-ardent-* and also removed my workspace and then downloaded and reinstalled everything back. How do I solve this again? I think old versions Screenshot from 2018-02-02 11-22-19have stayed in. Please help, it has stopped all my development in ros2 now.

I have these installed :

Additionally, I get this which i never got before when I source install/setup.bash:

Warning: OSPL_URI was already set to [[file:///home/rosi/ros2_ws/install/share/opensplice_cmake_module/config/ros_ospl.xml]]. This will not override it to the default [[file:///opt/ros/ardent/share/opensplice_cmake_module/config/ros_ospl.xml]]. Please make sure this is the config that you want.

I tried this :

doesn’t help though I still get the error message from and other rmw implementation.