Another ROS1 One line install


I’ve been working on a single line installation since I find myself re/installing ROS a lot :

I tought it can be usefull for newcomer/student/learner so I made it user friendly and trying my best to make it error proof (You can’t use it if you tried to install ROS before since the script check for previous installation in different way)

At the moment it work only for ubuntu with Kinetic and Melodic.

I’m aware that an another one line installer exist, but it’s not maintained, not error proof (no check for previous installation) and I wanted something even simpler in the vein of NVM.

The installation can be done like this : wget -qO- | bash

the only customization is on the sudo password passing (cli, env variable or file), since this installation work only in user mode.

Feel free to get the scripts and customize it if you need !