Design process of ROS 2

I’m total outsider here. But with 20+ years experience in the aerospace software world. I would not suggest adopting methods used in my industry, they result in very slow progress. But I would make one hard change in your process.

Note the observation about “lack of an opportunity for people to comment on the details until a pull request with a completed…” this is natural, people don’t notice until finally the change is made.

One change in your software process might be that “NO CODE IS WRITTEN UNTIL A X DAYS AFTER A DETAILED DESIGN IN CHECKED-IN” This will cause some slow down but that everyone sees the pull request for the change in the design documents and comments THEN, not after the code is already written. There is a natural tendency to NOT change working code.

Basically take advantage of that observation that no one cares until after the pull request. So make the pull an early step.

Just saying “we should talk more” rarely actually happens, Make a rule that forces more talking.

The goal should be to make changes early not “later”,