Do you use convex_hull in msg DetectedObject as convex hull anywhere?

During the work with your code I have noticed that in many packages convex_hull in msg DetectedObject is calculated as convex hull but is used as unstructured number of points (not even as polygon). For example in op_trajectory_evaluator.

Maybe I did not notice this or its just a legacy code and name?

Do you asking about tracking algorithm ?

About all algorithms that use DetectedObjectArray, especially about local planners.
In all of the codes that I saw in Autoware convex_hull field is used as an array of points or as a polygon.

the polygon used op_trajectory_evaluator is created in lidar_kf_contour_track.
it is special representation for point cloud, (not convex hull) maybe a polygon.
the method is described in OpenPlanner paper
you can use the convex hull generated by the lidar_euclidean_cluster but for the large irregular shaped objects it connects the outer points and include space that is not part of the obstacle.
