Extending URDF to include physical interfaces (plugs) and computing components (e.g., control boxes)

Hi all,

currently we are working on ROS2-based networked (distributed) robotic systems with focus on communication aspects. By doing so, it became clear to us that current URDF specifications lack a way to represent:

  • Physical Interfaces: Components like power plugs, Ethernet ports, and other communication connectors are critical for modeling how robots interact with their environments and peripherals.
  • Computing Components: Control boxes and onboard computers are integral to networked robotic operation but are not explicitly modeled in URDF.

We propose to add the following elements:

Add a hardware_interface element

Define physical interfaces (e.g., plugs, ports) as a new tag. These interfaces can be attached to links, representing their location on the robot.


  • name: Unique identifier for the interface.
  • type: Type of interface (e.g., USB, RJ45, AC_power, etc.).
  • position: Relative position of the interface on the link.
  • specifications: Optional block for detailed specifications like voltage, current, bandwidth, or protocol.


<link name="base_link">
  <hardware_interface name="power_plug">
    <position xyz="0.1 0.0 0.05" rpy="0 0 0"/>
  <hardware_interface name="ethernet_port">
    <position xyz="0.2 0.0 0.05" rpy="0 0 0"/>

2. Add a computing_component element

Model computing components such as control boxes, embedded computers, or microcontrollers. (Note, that Control boxes can be modeled as separate links or as part of the robot’s body.)


  • name: Unique identifier for the computing component.
  • type: Type of computing hardware (e.g., Industrial_PC, Microcontroller).
  • position: Position of the component on the link.
  • specifications: Detailed specs such as CPU, RAM, storage, and supported interfaces.


<link name="control_box">
  <computing_component name="main_computer">
    <position xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
      <cpu>Intel i7</cpu>
      <storage>256GB SSD</storage>
        <interface name="eth0" type="RJ45" bandwidth="1Gbps"/>
        <interface name="wifi" type="WiFi" bandwidth="300Mbps"/>

3. Add a connections element

Model how physical interfaces and computing components connect to each other.

  • Attributes:

    • source: The source interface (e.g., link_name:interface_name).
    • target: The target interface (e.g., link_name:interface_name).
    • type: Type of connection (e.g., AC_power, Ethernet).
    • cable_length: Optional, for modeling physical constraints.
  • Example:


We beleive that the above extensions have the following advantages:

  • Provides a more accurate representation of the components of networked (distributed) robotic systems where communication is important and has to be modeled.
  • Facilitates mapping between physical interfaces and ROS 2 nodes (as communication end points).
  • Supports complex systems with multiple computing components as elements of robots, and networking setups.

As for backward compatibility, existing URDF parsers can safely ignore the new tags if not required.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this proposal. Specifically, does this extension align with your use cases? Are there additional features or components that should be included?

Looking forward to your feedback and suggestions.



Interesting. I have not worked with Gazebo Sim, only Classic where it was an SDF needed, not URDF.

Your connection concept would allow better simulation fidelity of robot docking, charging, and battery_state. In the TurtleBot4/Create3 simulation, the dock success/failure is modeled only by pose of the bot, and the charging/battery_state are very loosely modeled.

For 99.9% of users the existing modeling is sufficient but your concept would provide a mechanism for more authentic lifecycle simulation IIF someone really needed such.

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I don’t see a very big value in the proposed extensions in general. But I agree there might be cases when it helps.

It would be nice to have a connection between the roslaunch machine tag and the compute resources in URDF (not sure how RO2 handles remote machines, though).

From time to time, there are other similar requests to extend URDF. What seems best to me would be to just define some optional extensions and a way to parse them. I think the newer SDF versions add support for something similar. However, to be able to define extensions, you first have to have a schema of the base. That has long not existed, or at least not in a canonical form. For long, the “definition” or URDF was the urdfdom parser. I think last year somebody took this issue and created a repo for the XSD schema of URDF which should one time become the canonical definition of the format. But my google-fu failed finding it…

Here are some resources I consider valuable to read if you’re interested in this topic:


Related PR: Improvements for the URDF xsd specification by aminya · Pull Request #200 · ros/urdfdom · GitHub .

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Oh, it hasn’t landed yet…