How to Create Debian Package for ROS 2?

Thanks all for the answer, i’m already be able to build the Debian package using the ROS answers that provided by @flynneva. I haven’t tried using CPack for ROS 2 project though, but as in this thread, i think it’s not recommended to used it in ROS 2 project.

Anyway in case you are wondering how to create a Debian package for ROS 2 project, i did it as follows:

  • Prepare bloom, rosdep, and fakeroot.
    $ sudo apt install python3-bloom python3-rosdep fakeroot
  • Initialize rosdep.
    $ sudo rosdep init
    $ rosdep update
  • cd to the package source (which contains package.xml).
    $ bloom-generate rosdebian
    $ fakeroot debian/rules binary
  • The build result then will be available in ../