Increasing memory usage for publishing nodes with enabled intra-process communication

Hi there,
I just did a run on the latest master code. There do seem to be a couple of leaks, so then I ran image_pipeline_with_two_image_view under valgrind (to be totally explicit, I ran valgrind --leak-check=full ./build_isolated/intra_process_demo/image_pipeline_with_two_image_view. Looking at the output from that, it looks like the leaks are coming from somewhere down in the OpenCV code. From a brief glance at it, it is not clear to me whether the leaks are in OpenCV itself, or how we are using it in the image demo.

All of that being said, this seems to be a problem with the interaction with OpenCV, not something fundamental to intra-process communication itself. I probably won’t have too much more time to spend on it right now, but if you have time to look at it, the code is in ros2/demos/intra_process_demo/include/image_pipeline/image_view_node.hpp