IROS 2022 - ROS Users Lunch Oct 25


Are you a ROS user? Are you attending IROS 2022? Do you desperately desire not to awkwardly approach a table to sit at with total strangers you may well find out you have absolutely nothing in common with (or am I just projecting)?

If you answered yes to 2 (or 3) of those questions, join us for a ROS users lunch meetup during the lunch period on October 25 (Tuesday).

Follow this thread for more information. See latest comments for location and a map pin!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Navigator,



Good idea organizing something Steve, I’ll be there.

Good idea, I’ll be there

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Yeah, I’m in. Good idea

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Lets meet tomorrow during the lunch break outside. Directly away from the building across the water there’s an open field with a ledge on the left-hand side.

To get there, go across the dock, continue back, past the vista platform, until you’re at the water’s edge where it meets grass. I’ll be on the rock wall. You should be able to also see me on the other side of the water when you first exit the building, so it should be obvious alternative routes to get there.

See the image for a pin! I look forward to seeing you all!


Great, I will be there.

I’ll be there too. I’m fairly recognizable

I’d love to join! But I’m afraid that during the lunch break I’ll be needed at the Bitcraze booth… it was so busy on the first day.


[EDIT] NVMD we joined the group in primary location

We couldn’t find anyone so we are sitting exactly there

I did the same mistake at initial. We were just 15 meters away througt those trees :pensive:

Thanks everyone for meeting up! It was a great turn out. See you all in 2023!


Thanks for arranging, Steve! Fun meeting everyone at my first IROS.


Steve Macenski via ROS Discourse <>于2022年10月25日 周二下午4:51写道:

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