We’re happy to announce the availability of 25 noew packages for Indigo as well as 101 updated packages.
There are 11 packages removed in this sync one of which is a regression. And there were also a few more regressions specifically on Trusty i386 For more information about that please see Preparing for Indigo Sync 2018-04-23
Thanks to all the maintainers and contributors who help make this all happen each an every sync.
Full details are below.
Package Updates for indigo
Added Packages [25]:
- ros-indigo-dynamixel-sdk: 3.5.4-0
- ros-indigo-heron-desktop: 0.0.2-1
- ros-indigo-heron-viz: 0.0.2-1
- ros-indigo-image-stream: 1.0.7-2
- ros-indigo-launchman: 1.0.7-2
- ros-indigo-libcreate: 1.6.1-0
- ros-indigo-pr2: 1.1.2-0
- ros-indigo-pr2-base: 1.1.2-0
- ros-indigo-pr2-desktop: 1.1.2-0
- ros-indigo-pyclearsilver: 1.0.7-2
- ros-indigo-python-aniso8601: 0.8.3-5
- ros-indigo-python-flask-restful: 0.3.4-4
- ros-indigo-robot-activity: 0.1.1-2
- ros-indigo-robot-activity-msgs: 0.1.1-2
- ros-indigo-robot-activity-tutorials: 0.1.1-2
- ros-indigo-ros-apache2: 1.0.7-2
- ros-indigo-rosjson: 1.0.7-2
- ros-indigo-rosweb: 1.0.7-2
- ros-indigo-warthog-gazebo: 0.0.1-1
- ros-indigo-warthog-simulator: 0.0.1-1
- ros-indigo-web-interface: 1.0.7-2
- ros-indigo-web-msgs: 1.0.7-2
- ros-indigo-webui: 1.0.7-2
- ros-indigo-ypspur: 1.15.2-0
- ros-indigo-ypspur-ros: 0.1.0-0
Updated Packages [101]:
- ros-indigo-assimp-devel: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-bayesian-belief-networks: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-collada-urdf-jsk-patch: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-controller-interface: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
- ros-indigo-controller-manager: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
- ros-indigo-controller-manager-msgs: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
- ros-indigo-controller-manager-tests: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
- ros-indigo-desktop: 1.1.5-0 -> 1.1.6-0
- ros-indigo-desktop-full: 1.1.5-0 -> 1.1.6-0
- ros-indigo-downward: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-ff: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-ffha: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-gcloud-speech: 0.0.4-0 -> 0.0.5-0
- ros-indigo-gcloud-speech-msgs: 0.0.4-0 -> 0.0.5-0
- ros-indigo-gcloud-speech-utils: 0.0.4-0 -> 0.0.5-0
- ros-indigo-grpc: 0.0.6-0 -> 0.0.9-1
- ros-indigo-hardware-interface: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
- ros-indigo-heron-description: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.2.3-0
- ros-indigo-heron-msgs: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.2.3-0
- ros-indigo-husky-base: 0.2.6-0 -> 0.2.7-0
- ros-indigo-husky-bringup: 0.2.6-0 -> 0.2.7-0
- ros-indigo-husky-control: 0.2.7-0 -> 0.2.8-0
- ros-indigo-husky-description: 0.2.7-0 -> 0.2.8-0
- ros-indigo-husky-gazebo: 0.2.6-0 -> 0.2.7-0
- ros-indigo-husky-msgs: 0.2.7-0 -> 0.2.8-0
- ros-indigo-husky-navigation: 0.2.7-0 -> 0.2.8-0
- ros-indigo-husky-robot: 0.2.6-0 -> 0.2.7-0
- ros-indigo-husky-simulator: 0.2.6-0 -> 0.2.7-0
- ros-indigo-husky-ur5-moveit-config: 0.2.7-0 -> 0.2.8-0
- ros-indigo-jackal-control: 0.5.3-0 -> 0.5.4-0
- ros-indigo-jackal-description: 0.5.3-0 -> 0.5.4-0
- ros-indigo-jackal-msgs: 0.5.3-0 -> 0.5.4-0
- ros-indigo-jackal-navigation: 0.5.3-0 -> 0.5.4-0
- ros-indigo-jackal-tutorials: 0.5.3-0 -> 0.5.4-0
- ros-indigo-joint-limits-interface: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
- ros-indigo-joy-teleop: 0.2.5-0 -> 0.2.6-0
- ros-indigo-julius: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-julius-ros: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-key-teleop: 0.2.5-0 -> 0.2.6-0
- ros-indigo-laser-filters-jsk-patch: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-libcmt: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-libsiftfast: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-lpg-planner: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-mapviz: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.9-0
- ros-indigo-mapviz-plugins: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.9-0
- ros-indigo-marti-can-msgs: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.5.0-0
- ros-indigo-marti-common-msgs: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.5.0-0
- ros-indigo-marti-nav-msgs: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.5.0-0
- ros-indigo-marti-perception-msgs: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.5.0-0
- ros-indigo-marti-sensor-msgs: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.5.0-0
- ros-indigo-marti-status-msgs: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.5.0-0
- ros-indigo-marti-visualization-msgs: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.5.0-0
- ros-indigo-mini-maxwell: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-mouse-teleop: 0.2.5-0 -> 0.2.6-0
- ros-indigo-multires-image: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.9-0
- ros-indigo-nlopt: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-odva-ethernetip: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.1.2-0
- ros-indigo-opt-camera: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-pcl-ros: 1.2.7-0 -> 1.2.9-0
- ros-indigo-perception: 1.1.5-0 -> 1.1.6-0
- ros-indigo-perception-pcl: 1.2.7-0 -> 1.2.9-0
- ros-indigo-pgm-learner: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-rc-dynamics-api: 0.5.0-0 -> 0.6.0-0
- ros-indigo-rc-genicam-api: 1.3.4-0 -> 1.3.8-0
- ros-indigo-rc-visard: 2.0.0-0 -> 2.1.0-0
- ros-indigo-rc-visard-description: 2.0.0-0 -> 2.1.0-0
- ros-indigo-rc-visard-driver: 2.0.0-0 -> 2.1.0-0
- ros-indigo-ridgeback-control: 0.1.10-0 -> 0.1.11-0
- ros-indigo-ridgeback-description: 0.1.10-0 -> 0.1.11-0
- ros-indigo-ridgeback-msgs: 0.1.10-0 -> 0.1.11-0
- ros-indigo-ridgeback-navigation: 0.1.10-0 -> 0.1.11-0
- ros-indigo-robot: 1.1.5-0 -> 1.1.6-0
- ros-indigo-robot-localization: 2.3.3-0 -> 2.3.4-0
- ros-indigo-ros-base: 1.1.5-0 -> 1.1.6-0
- ros-indigo-ros-control: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
- ros-indigo-ros-core: 1.1.5-0 -> 1.1.6-0
- ros-indigo-ros-speech-recognition: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-rospatlite: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-rosping: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-rostwitter: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-rqt-controller-manager: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
- ros-indigo-rqt-reconfigure: 0.4.8-0 -> 0.4.10-0
- ros-indigo-simulators: 1.1.5-0 -> 1.1.6-0
- ros-indigo-slic: 2.1.6-0 -> 2.1.9-0
- ros-indigo-surface-perception: 1.0.1-0 -> 1.0.3-0
- ros-indigo-teleop-tools: 0.2.5-0 -> 0.2.6-0
- ros-indigo-teleop-tools-msgs: 0.2.5-0 -> 0.2.6-0
- ros-indigo-tile-map: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.9-0
- ros-indigo-transmission-interface: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
- ros-indigo-video-stream-opencv: 1.1.0-0 -> 1.1.1-0
- ros-indigo-viz: 1.1.5-0 -> 1.1.6-0
- ros-indigo-warthog-control: 0.0.2-0 -> 0.0.3-0
- ros-indigo-warthog-description: 0.0.2-0 -> 0.0.3-0
- ros-indigo-warthog-msgs: 0.0.2-0 -> 0.0.3-0
- ros-indigo-xpp: 1.0.5-0 -> 1.0.6-0
- ros-indigo-xpp-examples: 1.0.5-0 -> 1.0.6-0
- ros-indigo-xpp-hyq: 1.0.5-0 -> 1.0.6-0
- ros-indigo-xpp-msgs: 1.0.5-0 -> 1.0.6-0
- ros-indigo-xpp-quadrotor: 1.0.5-0 -> 1.0.6-0
- ros-indigo-xpp-states: 1.0.5-0 -> 1.0.6-0
- ros-indigo-xpp-vis: 1.0.5-0 -> 1.0.6-0
Removed Packages [11]:
- ros-indigo-jsk-2015-05-baxter-apc
- ros-indigo-jsk-2016-01-baxter-apc
- ros-indigo-jsk-3rdparty
- ros-indigo-jsk-apc
- ros-indigo-jsk-apc2015-common
- ros-indigo-jsk-apc2016-common
- ros-indigo-jsk-arc2017-baxter
- ros-indigo-jsk-arc2017-common
- ros-indigo-jsk-pr2-desktop
- ros-indigo-jsk-pr2-startup
- ros-indigo-jsk-robot
Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
- Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian
- AlexV
- Alexander W. Winkler
- Atsushi Watanabe
- Bence Magyar
- Dave Feil-Seifer
- David Feil-Seifer
- Devon Ash
- Edmond DuPont
- Elliot Johnson
- Enrique Fernandez
- Felix Ruess
- Hitoshi Kamada
- Jacob Perron
- Justin Huang
- Kei Okada
- Kelsey Hawkins
- Maciej ZURAD
- Marc Alban
- Mikael Arguedas
- Mike Purvis
- Monika Florek-Jasinska
- Noda Shintaro
- Paul Bovbel
- Pyo
- Ryohei Ueda
- Sammy Pfeiffer
- Scott K Logan
- Shengye Wang
- Takuya Nakaoka
- Tom Moore
- Tony Baltovski
- Yohei Kakiuchi
- Yuki Furuta
- Yuto Inagaki
- k-okada