Protective area checker using LiDAR

Propose protective area checker. Please give us feedback as you may access the control system in a different pipeline than before.

The proposed function is to detect an obstacle in a specific area close to the vehicle and immediately stop (or slow down). When used for emergency stop, a simple implementation and minimal pipeline would be desirable.
The outline is described below.


  • Emergency stop or slowdown trigger for obstacles in close range

Range of detection

  • Range where the vehicle passes in a short time (approximately 0.5-1 [sec])


  • LiDAR point cloud after noise and ground removal (not using advanced recognition)
  • Current speed / angular speed
  • (Target speed / angular speed)
  • (Target acceleration / angular acceleration)


  • Trigger for emergency stop / slowdown
  • Detected point cloud (only for visualize or debug)

@yuma-nihei Would you mind creating a new feature_request issue at

Thank you, I raised the following issue.