ROS 2.0 on ARM

A small clarification, I think that @rohbotics is referring to Fast-RTPS [1] in this message and not freertps[2] that is not under active development or part of the ROS 2 Continuous Integration for the time being.

Agreed that ROS2 should work on Debian Stretch. We don’t test it actively but if anybody gives it a try, feel free to post feedback here and/or update the instructions on the ros2 wiki Debian instructions[3] if anything is missing or needs to be updated.

[1] GitHub - eProsima/Fast-DDS: The most complete DDS - Proven: Plenty of success cases.
[2] GitHub - ros2/freertps: a free, portable, minimalist, work-in-progress RTPS implementation
[3] GitHub - ros2/ros2: The Robot Operating System, is a meta operating system for robots.

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