ROS2 Ardent Apalone Docker image?

The latest ROS2 version supported in the official ROS2 docker images is “beta3” (r2b3). Have you already scheduled support for “Ardent Apalone”?

Yes, docker images for Ardent Apalone will be available shortly. These will be available only for Ubuntu Xenial amd64 and will provide a few additional tags to have more granularity in the size of the images.
We’ll post an announcement here on discourse once the images are available.


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Ardent docker images are up!

We now provide 4 tags:

  • core: minimal setup with only the client libraries
  • basic: core + a set of basic demos and message packages
  • full: basic + all pure ros2 packages released in ardent
  • ros1-bridge: full + the ros1-bridge and the demos using ROS 1 dependencies