ROS2 support: ROS Answers?

I am too, but I don’t see another (better) way to do it. Is there anything else you can think of that we can do to alleviate the concern, other than mandatory tags?

I’m worried about this too. The only thing I could think of is a help box that describes each briefly and try’s to give a hint to the user as to which they might want to pick. We could also have a “i don’t know” option which they could pick temporarily and it would let us know that we need to help them figure out which is what.

But at least they’re forced to pick if they do happen to know the difference and they’re forced to say they don’t know at which point it’s easy for us to see when they’re unsure and prod them until we can recommend which one they’re using/talking about.

As to whether or not it helps, I think that the tags have the same benefits/difficulties as a separate answers website. If we had I can imagine we’d have ROS 1 questions on there and we’d still get ROS 2 questions on the existing

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