Is anyone interested in joining to…
- improve the structure of the testing related ROS wiki pages
- single point of entry
- separation into test level specific pages (e.g. bottom-up: library unit testing, ROS node unit testing, ROS nodes integration testing, …, simulation based testing)
- …
- create testing examples similar to the ROS tutorials
- improve the content of the testing related ROS wiki pages
- hyper-linking testing examples for every test level
- referencing relevant book chapters
- how to use test level specific test frameworks (applying usual testing techniques)
- how to integrate test specific test frameworks into the build
- how to create/use test doubles (stub, mock, spy, fake dummy) in ROS
- improving test related libraries
- mock_objects (only capable of mocking: service server, message subscriber and actionlib server)
- …
- …
Does the topic “Testing” deserve an own category?