Tractobots, my attempts at field robots

I decided to use RMC messages from the GPS so that I can get velocity data. There’s lots more information that I need, though. For example, I’ll want to check on the (RTCM) corrections, and I must stop if I ever lose an RTK solution. I also need to push raw sentences over Ethernet to my planter monitor.

To handle this, I configured one node to listen to the GPS and another to interpret the messages. Here’s my launch file:

<node name="gps" pkg="nmea_navsat_driver" type="nmea_topic_serial_reader">
	<param name="port" value="/dev/gps_nmea" />
	<param name="baud" value="115200" />

<node name="nmea" pkg="nmea_navsat_driver" type="nmea_topic_driver">
	<param name="useRMC" value="True" />

Now, in addition to /fix and /vel, I get raw output on /nmea_sentence.