Debian source package for PySide2

I’m trying to build PySide2 for Raspbian (armhf/ARM6). Source package for PySide2 seems to be missing ( Is there any information how the package was built? I also can’t find anything in buildfarm logs.

The PySide2 related packages are imported from a PPA (see pyside2.prerelease.yaml and If the PPA doesn’t contain them we don’t have them in our repo either. If the PPA has what you are looking for but not the ROS repo please link to the exact file and we can make sure to import it into the ROS repo.


I needed this file: . It’s used by e.g. ‘apt-src’ to build .deb package locally.
For some reason, shiboken2 source package has source package imported, but pyside2 not.

@zielmicha Thank you for identifying the file.

@tfoote Can you please update the reprepro rules to import the mentioned file and then run an import with the updated config.

I’ve ticketed it at: