ROS 2 Time vs std::chrono

@sloretz: You can wrap the clock provided by the node again in a std::chrono clock wrapper and you would have simulation time available.:

struct ros2_node_clock
  ros2_node_clock(std::shared_ptr<Clock> clock) : m_clock(clock) {}
  typedef std::chrono::nanoseconds 				duration;
  typedef duration::rep	  				rep;
  typedef duration::period	  				period;
  typedef std::chrono::time_point<ros2_clock, duration> 	time_point;

  static constexpr bool is_steady = false;

  static time_point
  now() noexcept {
    return time_point(duration(clock->now().nanoseconds()));

  std::shared_ptr<Clock> m_clock;

ros2_node_clock rclcpp::None::get_std_clock() {
   return ros2_node_clock(get_clock());

The additional safety of not mixing clocks is lost in this case, but ROS 2 time is also not safe in this regard and not likely solvable.