ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes 2023-08-17

Alignment and consensus with whom exactly? That is where our question lies. You raised your voice and were not happy that some of your asks were not incorporated and thus it is understandable for you to not be happy with REP. But the REP is being voted by TSC most of whom have not been a part of the process. Of Course all community REPs should not be accepted and there should be a due process for quality control, but the current procedure to get a REP passed is just to make sure that all TSC members are appeased which for a community driven ecosystem does not make sense.

I have huge respect for most of the TSC members and organisations and there needs to be industry involvement in this process but shouldn’t the community get an equal say as well? Apart from REP 2014 which we initiated and got through after a lot of difficulties, none of the REPs accepted to my knowledge have been community driven. We are not even given a chance to put forward and have an open discussion with TSC as we are not a part of it, thankfully @fmrico has been supportive and brought forward our REP to the TSC.

We would have been more open to address the suggestions if there were more active contributions rather than just comments. Lack of resources on our end makes it difficult to do incorporate all requests.
The comments that you mentioned if you continue reading you can see Steve replying back accepting the position of the REP as informational.

This was immediately replied to here mentioning that it is very clearly mentioned at the start itself that this is an informational REP. See REP 0101 for example and other informational reps. We are just following the standard ways on how REPs are written. None of these REPs were scrutized or asked to make it make it explicitly clear to everyone over and over again by mentionining in 10 different more places that this is an Informational REP.

You are still bound to have your opinion to reject it and I respect that but downplaying that we have not accounted to proposed changes whatsoever and us being critical of TSC and it’s processes is what I don’t agree with.

Anyways I don’t think we should put more of our mutual energy over this. I am sure things will change and something better comes out of this in the future! In the end we all want the ROS Community to succeed!