Splitting the Autoware.AI repository and changing the organisation

Hi All, I’m new to autoware, but just wanted to say that I totally agree with this proposed organization of software.

We did something very similar for a project I previously worked on. We had it split up a bit less but had the same motivations for the split.

Regarding visualization, I’m wondering what is better:

  1. Having a separate viz repo (currently suggested)
  2. Having a single viz package in each core repo responsible for visualizing the custom messages from that core. So you’d have the perception_viz, planning_viz, control_viz ROS packages that are updated along with any changes to the message formats. Here I assume Autoware’s custom messages will be spread out into different custom message packages for each of the 3 main categories/repos.

Anyway, just a thought! I’m definitely happy that visualization is being separated out from the ros packages responsible for autonomy, just thinking it might be good to keep visualization code in lockstep with the messages the code is visualizing.

Regarding vcs:
I don’t know anything about vcs (first time hearing about it here), but why are we choosing vcs over git submodules?

Glad to see this effort of organization! definitely will improve the project immensely.