

I am a robotics engineer that works for the FIWARE Fountation, which is a non-profit organization that promotes and coordinates the FIWARE Open Source community that gravitates around the use of NGSIv2 and NGSI-LD, the Standard APIs for Context Information Management. FIWARE activities are mainly focused on Smart Cities, Smart Industry, Smart Agriculture and Smart Energy, domains in which the the powerful capabilities of robotics-based smart solutions are becoming essential.

In particular, my work is focused on the design of convenient NGSI interfaces between CIM-compliant platforms (CIM - Context Information Management) and ROS 2 compliant robotics interfaces at integrated planning and execution levels (Task/Skill Levels). In the micro-ROS project (https://micro-ros.github.io/) I explore the peculiarities of these interfaces for embedded robotics systems while in DIH^2 my focus is on the desing of convenient interfaces and digital twin capabilities for industrial robotics in agile production environments.