I am a Control and Automation Engineer and I have 2 years of experience in educational robotics at Escola Girassol and 3 years of experience in Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) projects in mobile robotics and underwater robots at SENAI CIMATEC, located at Salvador, Brazil. I participated in the design and assembly of PCBs with SMT technology of embedded systems for power management, lighting control and communication interface of an inspection robotic device, as well as the development of the firmware of such systems which used the rosserial package. I also participated in the development of packages in the ROS framework for localization and navigation of a terrestrial robot using data from LiDAR, GPS and IMU sensors. In the last year, I worked in partnership with the German Institute of Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) to develop an underwater robotic tool for inspection of flexible joints. In this project, I was responsible for the development of electronic fuse board firmware, creation of embed systems C++ libraries and integration of a motor driver and the ros_control. Now, I am currently a researcher at the Brazilian Institute of Robotics (BIR)/SENAI CIMATEC working in an ROV/Crawler robot.