2021 ROS Summer School in China (August 7-14) Will Be Held Online. It is FREE!

Notice: 2021 ROS summer school in China will be held online!!!

In 2021, we will organize the 7th ROS summer school in China. We have successfully organized six ROS summer schools in Shanghai (2015, 2016, 2017), Shenzhen (2018), Hefei (2019) and Online (2020). In the past six years, more than ten thousands teachers, students and engineers studied in our ROS summer schools.

Our summer school provided a quick, in-depth and free learning opportunity for ROS beginners and advanced ROS developers. In the seven days, we are going to cover the following topics: ROS basics, teleoperation, Gazebo simulator, computer vision, SLAM, navigation, industrial robot, autonomous arial vehicles, some industrial exhibition and more. Many representatives from industries will share their experiences on robot project development using ROS. At the end of the summer school, we will organize a robot competition. Participants use their skills to fulfill some given tasks using mobile robots and sensors.

Our official website will be online soon. Please follow the website for any updates of our ROS Summer School 2021.


For the past ROS summer schools, check out the following links







Xinyu Zhang

East China Normal University