Ament best practice for sharing libraries

What’s the recommended best practice for exporting a library from a package for use in another package?

My specific use case is exporting composable nodes as a shared libraries from some packages and using those in another package that does link-time composition, but I imagine this is going to be a common use case.

From poking around in the rclcpp CMakeLists.txt, this is what I’ve come up with. I’m not 100% sure about the purpose of the ament_export_dependencies lines, and I’m also assuming that I still need to manually install include files just like libraries since this seems the logical thing.




It works, but is it correct?

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Yes, this will work. ament_export_libraries(...) is basically the equivalent to catkin_package(LIBRARIES ...).

A “better” / more modern way would be to generate a CMake file containing code to import the actual targets in downstream packages. This needs to steps:

  • install the generated file (example)
  • export the generated file (example)

The usage downstream is than also different: see example.

We only do this in very few cases yet but the goal is to use this approach in all packages.


it seems this answer is no longer completely valid as i get the fallowing error:
“ament_export_interfaces() is deprecated, use ament_export_targets() instead”


Yes, see this ROS answers post by @tylerweaver on why.

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