Are serious things done with ROS in Python?

I find this topic pretty interesting and starting from @Martin_Guenther work, I digged a bit more in.

I made another script (warning, I mostly executed everything on an ipython terminal by parts, so I may have missed something) to clone the repos (in github, I tried to clone also the ones in bitbucket but it fails on my machine for some unrelated reason) and to compute the LOC on them for C++ and Python.

The output is:

From 625 packages analysed
There are 413 packages using C++
There are 317 packages using Python
And, actually, using both languages: 193
88.8747413208 % is CPP code
11.1252586792 % is Python code

I also recreated the table with this LOC data:

rank repo name stars language
1. IntelRealSense/librealsense 1295 C++ (99.6), Python (0.4)
2. ros/ros 697 Python (95.6), C++ (4.4)
3. wjwwood/serial 521 C++ (99.7), Python (0.3)
4. introlab/rtabmap 490 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
5. OctoMap/octomap 383 C++ (99.7), Python (0.3)
6. ros-planning/navigation 320 C++ (99.1), Python (0.9)
7. ethz-asl/grid_map 281 C++ (99.7), Python (0.3)
8. AutonomyLab/ardrone_autonomy 264 C
9. ros/ros_comm 239 Python (44.8), C++ (55.2)
10. dartsim/dart 214 C++ (98.7), Python (1.3)
11. introlab/find-object 210 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
12. vrpn/vrpn 201 C
13. intel-ros/realsense 194 C++ (99.2), Python (0.8)
14. robopeak/rplidar_ros 191 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
15. ros-planning/moveit 173 C++
16. ros-visualization/rviz 171 C++ (97.6), Python (2.4)
17. mavlink/mavros 169 C++ (92.1), Python (7.9)
18. ros-drivers/rosserial 164 C++ (67.2), Python (32.8)
19. introlab/rtabmap_ros 162 C++ (99.4), Python (0.6)
20. cra-ros-pkg/robot_localization 161 C++ (99.4), Python (0.6)
21. ros/ros_tutorials 144 C++
22. RobotWebTools/rosbridge_suite 139 Python (100.0), C++ (0.0)
23. leggedrobotics/darknet_ros 133 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
24. ros/catkin 130 Python (97.6), C++ (2.4)
25. ros-perception/slam_gmapping 128 C++ (94.3), Python (5.7)
26. ros-drivers/velodyne 128 C++ (95.2), Python (4.8)
27. ros-industrial/universal_robot 127 Python (54.9), C++ (45.1)
28. ccny-ros-pkg/imu_tools 125 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
29. orocos/orocos_kinematics_dynamics 122 C++ (97.4), Python (2.6)
30. ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_pkgs 120 C++ (96.3), Python (3.7)
31. ros-controls/ros_control 112 C++ (92.0), Python (8.0)
32. rosjava/rosjava_core 110 Java
33. ros-perception/image_pipeline 109 C++ (77.9), Python (22.1)
34. turtlebot/turtlebot 103 C++ (88.9), Python (11.1)
35. facontidavide/PlotJuggler 103 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
36. ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3 101 Python (65.0), C++ (35.0)
37. ROBOTIS-GIT/DynamixelSDK 94 C#
38. rst-tu-dortmund/teb_local_planner 90 C++ (95.4), Python (4.6)
39. ros-perception/vision_opencv 85 C++ (84.7), Python (15.3)
40. turtlebot/turtlebot_apps 79 C++ (65.2), Python (34.8)
41. yujinrobot/kobuki 76 C++ (55.0), Python (45.0)
42. ros-controls/ros_controllers 73 C++ (96.3), Python (3.7)
43. ankitdhall/lidar_camera_calibration 72 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
44. PickNikRobotics/rviz_visual_tools 69 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
45. ipa320/cob_driver 68 C++ (94.2), Python (5.8)
46. swri-robotics/mapviz 66 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
47. plasmodic/ecto 65 C++ (71.6), Python (28.4)
48. ros-drivers/usb_cam 65 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
49. AutonomyLab/bebop_autonomy 63 C++ (94.9), Python (5.1)
50. wg-perception/people 61 C++ (97.0), Python (3.0)
51. ros/geometry 59 C++ (82.7), Python (17.3)
52. ipa320/cob_common 59 Python (100.0), C++ (0.0)
53. ros-perception/perception_pcl 58 C++ (99.6), Python (0.4)
54. AndreaCensi/csm 57 C
55. ipa320/cob_simulation 57 Python (100.0), C++ (0.0)
56. Intermodalics/tango_ros 57 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
57. clearpathrobotics/robot_upstart 54 Python (100.0), C++ (0.0)
58. jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition 52 C++ (85.3), Python (14.7)
59. ipa320/cob_extern 52 C
60. intel/ros_intel_movidius_ncs 50 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
61. AutonomyLab/create_autonomy 50 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
62. lagadic/vision_visp 49 C++ (99.2), Python (0.8)
63. RobotWebTools/web_video_server 48 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
64. skasperski/navigation_2d 46 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
65. fkie/multimaster_fkie 46 Python (100.0), C++ (0.0)
66. ccny-ros-pkg/scan_tools 44 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
67. stdr-simulator-ros-pkg/stdr_simulator 44 C++ (98.6), Python (1.4)
68. ros-industrial/industrial_core 43 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
69. ros-planning/navigation_tutorials 43 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
70. ipa320/cob_robots 43 Python (100.0), C++ (0.0)
71. ros-drivers/pointgrey_camera_driver 43 C++
72. orocos-toolchain/log4cpp 42 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
73. ros-perception/openslam_gmapping 42 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
74. yujinrobot/yujin_ocs 41 C++ (83.3), Python (16.7)
75. paulbovbel/frontier_exploration 41 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
76. ros-industrial/ros_canopen 41 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
77. ros-industrial/abb 40 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
78. ros/geometry2 39 C++ (91.9), Python (8.1)
79. ros/executive_smach 39 Python (100.0), C++ (0.0)
80. OctoMap/octomap_mapping 37 C++ (99.0), Python (1.0)
81. ros-industrial/kuka_experimental 37 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
82. ipa320/schunk_modular_robotics 36 C++ (99.3), Python (0.7)
83. arebgun/dynamixel_motor 35 Python (100.0), C++ (0.0)
84. youbot/youbot_driver 35 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
85. davetcoleman/ros_control_boilerplate 35 C++
86. ros/actionlib 34 C++ (68.3), Python (31.7)
87. beltransen/velo2cam_calibration 34 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
88. ros/common_msgs 34 C++ (82.5), Python (17.5)
89. hasauino/rrt_exploration 33 C++ (49.8), Python (50.2)
90. magazino/move_base_flex 33 C++ (97.0), Python (3.0)
91. turtlebot/turtlebot_simulator 33 EmberScript
92. vanadiumlabs/arbotix_ros 32 Python (93.1), C++ (6.9)
93. ros-visualization/visualization_tutorials 32 C++ (74.8), Python (25.2)
94. ros-drivers/joystick_drivers 32 Python (68.8), C++ (31.2)
95. cbandera/rosparam_handler 31 Python (54.3), C++ (45.7)
96. wg-perception/object_recognition_core 31 C++ (54.3), Python (45.7)
97. ros-naoqi/nao_robot 30 Python (95.1), C++ (4.9)
98. ipa320/cob_command_tools 30 Python (79.5), C++ (20.5)
99. mrpt-ros-pkg/mrpt_navigation 30 C++ (100.0), Python (0.0)
100. ethz-asl/rqt_multiplot_plugin 30 C++ (99.9), Python (0.1)

I think Python has it’s position on glueing things together, dealing with text, making apps and tools, and overall taking advantage of the big amount of third party libraries that ease doing stuff. If you need speed, C++ for sure. If you need something done quick, Python I’d say.