Live ROS Hang Out Spots

Hey guys, I’m new to the ROS community and programming in general. I need to use ROS for my senor project so I’d like to learn as much as I can this summer. I think the easiest way to do that would be to hang around people who know the subject well. Can you guys recommend me your favorite ROStubers, ROS livestreamers, places to chat? I’ve taken the step of signing up for this forum and lurking the subreddit. Prioritize places were people are active live or respond often!

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Hello, welcome to the ROS community!!! I would recommend you to start studying the ROS architecture(theory) first so you can understand the ROS core concepts. You can watch youtube videos for beginners or start udemy courses for ROS(really helped me in the past). The 2 main core languages in ROS is Python and C++, I would recommend you to start learning Python first(functions, loop events, logic operators etc…) just some basic staff so you can have an idea whats going on, its more friendly user and perfect for the first steps into ROS. Lastly and more important, dont get frustrated and give up it can be a difficult road, but in the end all your efforts will be awarded !!! Have a nice ROS journey. :ros:

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