Thank you so much to the entire community and especially our Autoware Foundation members who came together to make our first demo of the Autoware.Auto autonomous driving stack a massive success! This coming Tuesday, the Autoware Software Working Group call (2020-10-06T15:00:00Z → 2020-10-06T17:00:00Z - see the Autoware Foundation Shared Calendar for details) will be dedicated to celebration, an oview of the demo and hack-a-thon, and a retrospective of the AVP development process. Obviously we took some pictures and video during the demo (more professional video to come soon) so take a look at some of them below. If you want all of the videos that we took throughout the development process and demo, check out this Google Drive link. We hope to see anyone and everyone who contributed to making the first demonstration of the first fully-open-source ROS2 self-driving stack a success at the ASWG! GOOD JOB EVERYONE!
Live video of full drop-off-to-parking-to-pick-up loop:
rviz2 screencast of full drop-off-to-parking-to-pick-up loop:
Excellent work, all involved. A big thanks especially to Josh, who led the work over the past 10 months or so, and Dejan and his crew for on-the-ground support.
@Katherine_Scott since we are all a little hangover-ish because of this work last week and above videos could need a little love - what is the new deadline?