Cloud Robotics WG Meeting - Starting to Gather Data

Our next meeting will be 2024-04-08T17:00:00Z2024-04-08T18:00:00Z, using this Google Meet room.

Last week, we created a set of slides containing our initial structure for organizing our data. These are the slides from that meeting.

We will use the full hour for discussion again, covering:

  1. How we record and analyze data on cloud robotics
  2. Volunteers for creating initial versions of the database/analysis pages
  3. Volunteers for adding our current basic structure to the database page
  4. Ideas for how we can gather the most data going forwards - for example:
    1. Invite guest speakers to also be interviewed by the group
    2. Contact other cloud robotics companies to request speakers/interviewees
    3. Build questionnaire that can be made public for anyone to fill out

Please think of your own ideas as part of 4 to bring to the meeting, and I hope to see you there!

I am afraid I have another meeting at this time, however some else from Asimovo will attend instead.

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