Dates for 1.12 development and release

Unfortunately, due to accumulated delays from getting PRs merged and then conducting in-car testing, we have found several small issues in 1.12.0-alpha.2. We cannot put out a beta when there are bugs we know need to be fixed, and it will take a week or so to get the fixes done and merged. This means that we need to delay the release of 1.12 for a week. The new dates are:

  • 1 July, 2019 Code freeze. If a feature still has critical bugs at this date, it will be reverted and it will slip to 1.13. If it has minor bugs, it will be labeled as “experimental”.
  • 8 July, 2019 Release 1.12.

We will be reviewing the 1.12 development cycle after the 1.12 release, and one of the things we will consider is how to prevent the same delay happening next time.

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