Documentation on vector map format?

Hi there - I can’t find any documentation on the Aisan vector map format. So trying to create one is like being a monkey randomly typing up Shakespeare. Even this video does not clarify things very much. Thanks for any assistance, greatly appreciated!


@7chenko - Unfortunately, the mapping format that is used internally in Autoware was developed by a company called Aisan and is proprietary. However, AutonomouStuff has been working closely with Tier IV to help them develop translators from the open-source lanelet2 and OpenDRIVE formats to Aisan format. @mitsudome-r might be able to provide more insight on the status of the conversion tools.

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@7chenko Here is the link to a documentation ( don’t know why nobody shared this yet ?!)


P.S you may have to first sign up, login and then see the the documentation.
This is free to access as of now.