Lessons learned building a self-driving car on ROS
Nicolo Valigi (Cruise Automation) Video Slides
Cruise Automation’s self driving car runs on top on ROS. This talk will share some of the lessons we learned while scaling up the ROS stack to a very complex Robotics problem and 500+ engineers. We will talk about performance, reliability, code organization and health, and the ways we have found ROS to excel or fall short.
ROSCon Reminders:
- The call for talks and videos is now open See the call for proposals for templates and submission links.
- Registration is open
- Sponsorship opportunities are available
Thank you again to our Platinum Sponsor Amazon, and to all our Gold Sponsors: Acutronic Robotics, ADLINK, Apex.ai, Clearpath Robotics, eProsima, Fetch Robotics, iRobot, Microsoft, Rapyuta Robotics, ROBOTIS, Silexica, Tier IV, Toyota Research Institue, and Ubuntu.