Addverb Technologies (, looking for Robotics Software Engineers having any of the below-mentioned skills
Job Location: Noida, India
Eligibility : Bachelors/ Masters
Roles and Responsibilities :
• State Estimation: Responsible for the localization system on the robot, as well as the
SLAM mapping tools used to build the initial map of warehouses.
• Perception: Responsible for the machine vision systems on the robot, which includes
optimizing and maintaining fiducial detection mode, building visual odometry systems,
and building object recognition systems
• Controls: Responsible for wiring and maintaining the low-level control loops, as well as
the mid-level trajectory generation on the robots.
• State Estimation required skills: Python (numpy, scipy), Kalman Filtering (EKF/ JKF),
SLAM, Linux Bonus Skills: C++, Visual Odometry
• Perception required skills: C++, OpenCV, Visual Odometry, Object Point Cloud
Processing (PCL), SONAR, Object Recognition (Deep Learning Based), Stereo Vision,
Monocular SLAM (with IMU integration)
• Controls required skills: Mobile Robotics, Navigation, Control Theory, Python, RRTS
We are also hiring Full time/Interns, please send your cover letter + CV/Resume to