Hello Everyone,
We’ve just released a new course designed to learn Generative AI from scratch, named Generative AI for Robotics.
Generative AI represents a subset of artificial intelligence that is capable of generating new output, using generative models.
In this course, you will explore the technology behind ChatGPT - Generative AI and learn how to apply it to robots for navigation, perception, and understanding of human commands.
Here’s what you’ll learn from this course:
- Generative AI basics
- Tokenization methods
- Model performance variations
- Generating training data
- Building a simplified text generation model
- Training a language action model for robot control
- Object recognition with vision language models
- Navigating a robot using human commands
- HuggingFace AI repository
For each unit, you will have a detailed guidebook with clear instructions to guide you step by step. Meanwhile, you can practice programming with robot simulation.
You can find the course on The Construct Platform >> https://app.theconstructsim.com/courses/165
Feel free to ask any questions or share your thoughts about the course – we’re here to help!