New rosout Log Monitoring Tool, log_viewer


I’ve released a new tool, log_viewer, for monitoring and filtering ROS log messages in the terminal without dropping messages. This is very similar
to swri_console, but is terminal based, using ncurses instead of Qt.

Log messages can be filtered based on:

  • log level
  • node
  • whitelist text filter
  • exclude text filter

log_viewer also supports text searches and jumping from match to match.

Log messages can be copied to the clipboard by selecting them.

log_viewer doesn’t need roscore to start and will automatically connect/reconnect with roscore when it
becomes available.

There is limited mouse support for selecting log messages and enabling/disabling the log level and node filters.

This is currently developed against ROS1, but I plan to support ROS2 in the future.



Thanks really much, I’m using it since I saw it in the new package announcement :wink: It works really great.

One little feature request - sometimes I want to quickly view logs of all nodes except for a few verbose guys. Would you consider implementing a few more shortcuts, like Ctrl+A (select all nodes) or Ctrl+I (invert node selection)?

Keep the good work going (although it seems almost feature-complete as of now :slight_smile: ).

One little feature request - sometimes I want to quickly view logs of all nodes except for a few verbose guys. Would you consider implementing a few more shortcuts, like Ctrl+A (select all nodes) or Ctrl+I (invert node selection)?

Yeah, that’s a good idea. Thanks for the feedback!

Great to see this log filter and viewer!

Is this tool already ros2 available?

I’ve seen the ros2 branch of the repo, hatchbed/log_view at ros2 (
