The OSRA’s Technical Governance Committee has begun 2025 with the election of several new members to represent various different parts of the OSRA and to rebalance it after the growth in OSRA members during 2024. The new membership of the TGC is:
- Addisu Taddese, Intrinsic (Gazebo Project Leader)
- Clara Berendsen, Ekumen (Infrastructure Project Representative)
- Daniel Gordon, Huawei (Gold Representative)
- David Lu!! (Supporting Individual Representative)
- Geoffrey Biggs, OSRF (TGC Chair)
- Hemal Shah, NVIDIA (Platinum Member Representative)
- Henkel Christian, Bosch (Gold Representative)
- Kat Scott, Intrinsic (Developer Relations Representative)
- Maria Carolina Vergo, ROS-Industrial (Silver Representative)
- Michael Carrol, Intrinsic (Interim ROS Project Leader)
- Michael Grey, Intrinsic (Open-RMF Project Leader)
- Michel Hidalgo, Ekumen (Silver Representative)
- Sathish Mani, Qualcomm Technologies (Platinum Member Representative)
- Steve Peters, Intrinsic (Gazebo Project Representative)
- Steven! Ragnarok, Intrinsic (Infrastructure Project Leader)
- Tully Foote, Intrinsic (Platinum Member Representative)
- Vanessa Yamzon Orsi, OSRF (Secretary)
- Vicky Brasseur (OSRA Open Governance Advisor)
- Yadunund Vijay, Intrinsic (Open-RMF Project Representative)
I’d like to thank all those who have volunteered their time to help guide the OSRA. I’d also like to thank those members who stepped down recently for contributing to the TGC’s first 8 months of operation and helping to get the OSRA off to such a great start.
- Angelo Corsaro, Zettascale
- Christine Fraser, Asimovo
- Jason Higgins, Clearpath Robotics
- Andra Keay, Silicon Valley Robotics
- Chris Lalancette, Intrinsic
- Steve Macenski, Open Navigation