The next meeting of the Client Library Working Group will be this Friday, 21st March 2025 at 8 AM Pacific Time.
- Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/oij-atzj-znw
- Meeting minutes and agenda: ROS 2 Client Libraries Working Group - Google Docs
- Calendar invite: https://calendar.app.google/2LNP3u8tdffvyCPXA
- Google group if you want to be notified of future meetings: https://groups.google.com/g/ros-2-client-library-wg
We are currently pushing the rclpy implementation to the finish line.
There’s currently some test issues that are being worked on and that we should discuss if not resolved by Friday.
Besides that, there’s also an interesting discussion about the expected behavior of the rclpp events executor EventsExecutor with an overrunning timer can lead to a burst of timer events · Issue #2771 · ros2/rclcpp · GitHub
Everyone is welcome to join and bring their own topics for discussion, just add them to the agenda!