Apologies for being that guy, but I believe this seems to miss the point a bit.
Yes, if you already know what you are doing with ROS 2, porting those 1 or 2 missing packages should not take that long.
But if we’re considering users here who currently have a ROS 1 system working and then start looking at ROS 2, a missing package is a missing package, and those simply increase the cost of even considering to use ROS 2 (this came up in other threads, such as Comepetion run by Sellafield: Standardised robotic control architecture for Sellafield - #9 by gavanderhoorn).
The same problem existed in ROS 1 in many industrial applications.
Talking to engineers in companies, one of the first things they did was to see whether the hardware they were using or intended to use was supported by existing ROS packages. Almost always, most things were supported, but “one or two packages were missing”. My response: “well, adding those one or two packages should not take that long”. Their response: “well, they are missing, and therefore mean more work”.
This was one of the motivations for starting our ROSin project: increase the set of available packages (just for hardware drivers for instance) to get around the chicken-and-egg problem. Cost to start is high because components are missing, components stay missing as due to the high cost those packages don’t get created.
This may indeed be an important factor.
Adding “ROS 2” to a query does help a bit, but yes, fi ROS Answers is also mixed ROS 1 and ROS 2.