Preparing for Iron Patch and Sync 2024-02-09

Hello everyone,

We’re planning for the fourth patch release for Iron on 2024-02-09T01:00:00Z.

I will be bumping versions of the core ROS 2 packages this week and will follow up with a sync.
Currently are currently no regressions and 27+ packages to release :tada:

We will hold Iron backports and rosdistro PRs for the sync starting today 2024-02-05T15:59:00Z and will do the sync once the core pkgs have been released into testing and without any regressions.

I’ll make an announcement here once the sync is complete and we can resume merging into rosdistro.


As an additional note, this will be the last sync of Iron which provides bloom release metadata for Debian Bullseye: the official build farm does not currently build Bullseye packages so this change will only affect those may be hosting their own build infrastructure to use Debian Bullseye with Iron.

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The patch and sync are complete