The next ROS 2 Rust Meeting will be 2024-05-13T13:00:00Z
The meeting room is tentatively at , however, we’ve had technical difficulties getting rooms up and running. If the room needs to change, we will update this thread with the new info!
Timers can be tricky when moving between wall time and simulated time, needs its own focused design work outside of parameter services PR
Luca will take a look
Message Discussion
I know cargo bakes in semver, but all of our ros2 message packages (at least upstream) do have a semver number. Maybe it actually would be easiest if we aimed to just upload auto generated versions of these crates to
Not sure if you’re able to start with letters in your version number. I know you can have them after a number (i.e. 1.0.0-alpha)
The abi_stable seems to provide some Rust-to-Rust FFI plugin system (I think its dynamically linking)
If memory serves, this is more similar to what we do for messages in other client libraries.
More options if we restrict rust packages in an overlay to be in a single workspace
Could do things like generate messages on demand from a build script
Esteve has been mulling around an idea where all of our rust messages are under a single crate, and we enable/disable features to pull in various message packages.
ros2_messages = {
version = "jazzy",
features = ["geometry_msgs", "std_messages"]
We need better documentation on our message generation. Its simply too complex to reason across 4 different repos in all of the various ros2 overlay/underlay configurations.