ROS 2 Security Working Group Meeting (03-31-2020)

Hey everyone. Sorry for the late notice, but the next ROS 2 Security Working Group meeting will be 2020-03-31T16:00:00Z, via Hangouts Meet (or by phone: +1 385-325-0281‬ PIN: ‪422 295‬#).

If you have anything you’d like to add to the agenda, feel free to either add it yourself or make a comment here.

Didn’t see this late notice in time, so I didn’t make the meeting. From the absence of meeting notes in the linked agenda, was the meeting canceled?

Sorry about that. You should subscribe to the calendar though, these are all pre-scheduled! To answer your question, no, we re-use the same agenda doc so the calendar invitation doesn’t need to be updated. Once meetings are complete we transfer all notes to the wiki.