ROS OpenEmbedded WG - Meeting #13: 2024/03/18 @ 4pm UTC

Our next meeting is today. We are still at 4pm UTC, however due to the time change this will be an hour later for North America (12pm ET / 9am PT) but Europe is not affected until next time.

To chat about meta-ros before then, come find us on the OSRF Discord #cwg-openembedded channel.

Catch up on our meeting minutes here: ROS OpenEmbedded Working Group Minutes - Google Docs

Date/Time: Monday, March 18th, 2023 @ 4pm UTC, (5pm CET / 12pm ET / 9pm PT)
Google Meet: Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(CA) +1 437-781-4585‬ PIN: ‪149 305 642 5350‬#

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