ROS PMC Minutes for 2025-03-12

The ROS PMC meeting for this week was on Tuesday. The notes from the meeting are available at ROS PMC weekly meeting agenda

PMC Business

Ongoing Tasks

Kilted Development

Agenda Items

  • @kscottz discussed a new strategy for using our social media presense to attract more contributors to the project.
    • At a high level, all OSRA projects will curate a list of easily accessible tasks that can be shared on OSRA social platforms, where we have a good deal of engagement.
    • OSRA projects should commit to speedy reviews and assistance on topics shared via those channels.
  • @kscottz presented a call for participation for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) mentors.
  • @mjcarroll brought up Hz verb: Warn users about wrong reported freq by VictorLamoine · Pull Request #970 · ros2/ros2cli · GitHub from the weekly triage meeting (waffle).
    • Conclusion is that QoS improvements could fix some of the issues in ros2topic hz.
    • Other issues with high bandwidth (either large messages or high frequency) hz reporting likely still exist. Could be between the python executor and python deserialization performance.
    • Conclusion: Add a page to the documentation describing these concerns and put that in the warning message rather than an issue.

As a reminder, ROS PMC meetings are open to the public, though only committers and members may speak without being called on. If you have topics that you would like discussed, feel free to respond here.