Ros2 and DDS messaging

No, not currently.

We have talked in the past about supporting an IDL->.msg workflow to support your use case, but because we’ve not had to do it yet, we haven’t implemented it. Also, I always operated under the assumption that extra features like enum and inheritance would not be supported in this workflow.

You should also be aware, that our use of topics and partitions within DDS will change soon (proposal has been accepted, we’re in the process of implementing it now), see:

And some examples of that:

This will likely affect your ability to subscribe to an existing DDS topic from ROS, and perhaps your ability to create a publisher in ROS with the exact characteristics you’d like on the DDS side. We’re aware of this use case, however, and have some ideas about how to allow you to publish and subscribe to “native” DDS topics without any of the ROS specific mangling: