I downloaded and installed ROS2 beta on Ubuntu 16.04, 64 bits as explained here:
When I start to execute the talker I get the following error message:
ufechner@tuxedo:~ . ~/ros2_install/ros2-linux/setup.bash
ufechner@tuxedo:~ talker
talker: error while loading shared libraries: librclcpp.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Thanks for the hint, but it didn’t help:
ufechner@tuxedo:~$ source ~/ros2_install/ros2-linux/setup.bash
ufechner@tuxedo:~$ talker
talker: error while loading shared libraries: librclcpp.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ufechner@tuxedo:~$ locate librclcpp.so
Firstly, the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH is deleted by
Ubuntu for security reasons. Additional paths have to be added
to a new file in the directory /etc/ld.so.conf.d
For example by doing
sudo gedit /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ros2.conf
and adding the line:
Replace <username> with your own username.
and executing
sudo ldconfig
Furthermore, one package was missing:
sudo apt-get install libpocofoundation9v5
Now I get a different error message:
ufechner@tuxedo:~$ talker
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): could not create publisher: type support not from this implementation, at /home/rosbuild/ci_scripts/ws/src/ros2/rmw_fastrtps/rmw_fastrtps_cpp/src/functions.cpp:782, at /home/rosbuild/ci_scripts/ws/src/ros2/rcl/rcl/src/rcl/publisher.c:81
Aborted (core dumped)
That’s surprising since we’ve never run into this on our Xenial machines. Perhaps you have a flavor of Ubuntu that is setting some additional security settings? According to their wiki you can set LD_LIBRARY_PATH so long as it is in an interactive shell:
As for the new error you’re seeing, that’s something we’ve seen before, basically for some reason it is trying to use two different backends for ROS 2 at the same time (one for message passing and a different one for type support) which results in that error. This usually doesn’t happen in the binaries (unless I’m just unfamiliar with this problem with beta 1 on Linux) since we only build for Fast-RTPS in our binaries.
Can you double check you are not mixing the binaries and older binaries or builds of ROS 2?
I ran into this reference suggesting that if you’re in the group utmp it will be removed?
@ufechner7 are you running your tests inside a temporary user account or have you turned on higher than usual security?
In the man for ld.so(8)
A list of directories in which to search for ELF libraries at execution-time. The items in the list are separated by
either colons or semicolons. Similar to the PATH environment variable. This variable is ignored in secure-execution