ROS2 Real-time Working Group Online Meeting - May 20th, 2019 between 7AM and 8AM PDT (UTC-7)

Dear all,
here are the minutes of our meeting on May 20.



  • Victor, Acutronic Robotics
  • Tobias, Bosch Research
  • Ingo, Bosch Research
  • David, Ubiquity Robotics
  • Akihiko, eSol
  • Geoff, TierIV
  • Lalit, Intel
  • Lander and Carlos, Acutronic Robotics
  • Matt, Intel
  • Nick, AWS
  • Sriram
  • Dejan and Anup, Apex.AI

Action Items

  1. Dejan to provide a use case description and requirements
  2. find someone that will lead the work on real-time able rmw
  3. get William to present his findings on real-timeness in rcutils, rcl and rclcpp
  4. create a shared repository for tools for static and dynamic code analysis and tracing
  5. present Bosch paper and real-time with Callback+Executor in detail in one of the next meetings

Main points

On the use case:

  • Propose a use case => requirements => architecture => hardware
  • Proposed canonical use case: a vehicle/robot encounters an obstacle and has to stop safely for it
  • Proposed other use case: autonomous driving
    • AI: Dejan to provide a use case description and requirements

Create an rmw implementation which works for a single process. Once that works connect with the underlying data link (e.g. TSN). Measure: malloc/realloc calls, page faults, context switches, memory consumption, blocking calls, … RTI Connext Micro is a suitable DDS implementation for something like this due it its staticity and intra-process communication feature.

AI: find someone that will lead this work.

Document current state of the art. Someone remarks that there were still mutexes used in e.g. rmw or rclcpp. Memory is still being allocated/de-allocated when receiving messages.
AI: find examples in code.
AI2: get William to present his findings

Invest in the tools for static and dynamic code analysis and tracing and carefully scan the code.
AI: create a shared repository for above tools. Bosch will e.g. open-source their integration of LTTng in ROS2. Silexica is integrating they dynamic analyser.

We briefly scanned through the paper by Bosch:
AI: present the paper in detail in one of the next meetings.

Victor, Ingo, Dave and Geoff will co-submit.