Should we be posting updates such as new packages on here?

When I try to search for something I tend to get this. I feel these updates about new packages should be placed somewhere else or organized in a different fashion.

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It sounds like you consider that search result undesirable. Can you explain why you think so?

Trying to understand your underlying reason. What are you looking for when you search for dynamic reconfigure on the site? What content do you feel is masked by the package announcements? As far as I can tell there is no content on the site currently relating to dynamic reconfigure python to mask. And I find a few threads if you use the proper package name dynamic_reconfigure

This forum is where we make announcements like we did on the mailing list. Do you have a suggestion where else you would like to post the content? Or how else you’d like to see the announcements organized?

I just looked at the results from using the correct name and it is nearly as bad.

If someone is searching for dynamic reconfigure they are looking to learn more about it, features, how to contribute etc. I don’t think people want to see a long list of new packages and such. The discourse search system is not very advanced and is looking for keywords. If it is to work correctly than the content posted must not clog it up. It is almost spamming it.

I am not sure where else to post this. I am just bring up a concern.

The content you’re looking for including documentation of features where and how to contribute is hosted on the wiki not the discussion forums. You might find a thread here about the package but this is designed to be a discussion forum and not a repository of all knowledge.

A general google search gets you most everything you want to know:

Including the wiki page for the package which should be considered the main starting point for research for any ROS package.

One thing that is missing and might help you is a header to get you to other ROS resources like the wiki. It’s been on my todo list I’ll see what I can do about adding it.