Hi Everyone,
We’ve posted the annual ROS Metrics report. You can get the 2016 version from here and it’s been added to the wiki Metrics page: http://wiki.ros.org/Metrics
On the wiki page you’ll find links to the reports all the way back to our first in 2011. We’ve come along way since then with my spot check showing many metrics more than an order of magnitude larger.
One metric that stood out to me in preparing this is the decrease in the rate of wiki edits. This is likely due to our adding the requirement for manual approval of write access. We’ve been doing our best to authorize users as quickly as possible. But clearly it’s worth looking at that again.
I added a section with a breakdown of the downloads per architecture. This can be useful as we look forward for picking supported architectures for upcoming rosdistros.
As always these measurements do not count the any statistics for mirrors either private or public. http://wiki.ros.org/Mirrors