What environments do you use for training and courses?

TLDR; Compose ROS 2 powered robots from ROSbloX and directly benefit from all great features of ROS 2 without requiring an initial (theoretical) learning phase.

I am member of a lab which rapidly prototypes and explores novel robot designs. When our students want to realize a robotics project with ROS, they usually do not want to learn about ROS in a simulated environment. They want to be able to use and benefit from it immediately on hardware. I believe many roboticists desire to see things move in the real world.

However, I observe many students struggling getting started with ROS. These struggles include:

  • installing Ubuntu and working in/with the terminal
  • installing the base ROS distro with apt,
  • connecting computers in a network,
  • starting nodes/launch files,
  • compiling their first community contributed package.

Frequently, a ROS solution is ditched in favor of a do-it-yourself implementation. If students can create their own package, the code quality is low (sorry) and even if the package works as intended, it is by no means portable/maintainable once students move on.

To lower the entry burden, I am currently experimenting with ROSbloX. ROSbloX are ROS building blocks, i.e. physical devices which run one single containerized ROS package, e.g. a LiDAR driver or a SLAM algorithm. ROSbloX can be used to compose robots with complex functionalities even by less experienced developers.

More information: https://rosblox.github.io/

Hi all

I am Jerry from Lattel Robotics (www.lattelrobotics.com), a company supporting ROS-based AI robotics education & training. We could very well understand the pain of setting up ROS and Linux. Hence we support our customers with Jupiter Robot, an open, service robot development platform and Jupiter IO, an AI learning device. In particular, the Jupiter IO works on a plug-and-play basis - one can use any OS and just boot up the Linux (Ubuntu) from the Jupiter IO, which comes together with our Jupiter Robot service robot development frameworks including modules of computer vision, autonomous navigation, speech interaction and object manipulation.

Jupiter Robot: Jupiter Robot: An AI Applications Development Platform - YouTube

Jupiter IO: Jupiter IO: A Personal AI Learning Device - YouTube

Do send me a message if you are looking for ROS-based education & training solutions consisting of hardware, software and learning material. By the way, we are also a supporter of RoboCup@Home Education (https://www.robocupathomeedu.org).