Who is using ROS on Archlinux?

Hey @majorx234 glad to see you being active!
There is a small number of us, so its nice if we stick together haha.

In terms of the ROS ArchLinux Community we have 3 main points of contact.

The first is this discourse thread, which is a p high level thread of just ROS on Arch Linux in general.
The second one is of course where we host the packages, the AUR.
However, since discussion and development is a bit hard to do via the AUR comments, we have moved over to the following Github organization: https://github.com/ros-melodic-arch

The way our current pipeline is works is as follows:
(bionade24) in charge of syncing changes from the github repo to the AUR. bionade24 also maintains oscloud(https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Unofficial_user_repositories#oscloud) which has the binary packages for ros-melodic-*
(jwhendy, acxz) along with bionade24 we help maintain the github organization and are in charge of reviewing community submitted PRs

Some of us are also working on getting the ros-noetic-* packages set up here: https://github.com/ros-noetic-arch

If you could transfer the ownership of your existing ros-melodic-* packages to bionade24 and create a package request issue with your packages at https://github.com/ros-melodic-arch/ros-melodic-desktop-full we can create the associated repos and have them part of the ros-melodic=* stack that stays in sync.

As for utilities check out: https://github.com/bionade24/aur-ci

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