Hello, everyone, we have just finished the 7th ROS Summer School in China. It’s my pleasure to summarize this event for you.
ROS Summer School is a local public welfare activity once a year. The main purpose is to promote the use of ROS in China. It provided a quick, in-depth and free learning opportunity for ROS beginners and advanced ROS developers. In the past six years, more than ten thousands teachers, students and engineers studied in our ROS summer schools.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the lessons this year were live streamed online from August 7th to 14th, which was attended by nearly 20,000 attendees with 4232 officially registered. Over the course of eight days, 44 lecturers shared 50 courses, covering robot modeling, SLAM, navigation, motion control, robot vision, machine learning, ROS basics, ROS development and practice, etc.
Many representatives from industries shared their experiences on robot project development using ROS. At the end of the summer school, we organized a robot competition. Participants used their skills to fulfill some given tasks using mobile robots and sensors in simulator.
We’re very pleased to invite Tully to record a short video about global dynamics of ROS, which greatly encouraged us. Thanks to Open Robotics and Tully. We will organize more local activities in the future.
All materials and videos(Chinese language) from this ROS Summer School will be shared via the Internet. Welcome to the following websites.
ROS Summer School official website: http://www.roseducation.org/
2021 ROS Summer School website: ROS Summer School 2021
All course videos: 古月学院
Local community in China:https://www.guyuehome.com/
Thank you for your attention.