25th '16-hour marathon ROS class' in South Korea

The 25th ‘16-hour marathon ROS class’ was held on 24-25 August 2019 at Seoul in South Korea.

There are two ROS events in South Korea, one for students who want to learn ROS, and one for training engineers. This class is the latter type and proceeds to a small number. The 16-hour marathon ROS class began in April 2016 and was held five to seven times a year. This class covered the entire contents of ROS and programming for 16 hours, and gave hands-on tutorials for practical training. It was mainly focused on the robotics engineers who work in robot company. More than 700 engineers have completed this course in four years.

This class lasted four years and ends today since it is time to prepare ROS 2. It was a great time meeting with robotics engineers through ROS. Thank you to all the members of the ROS community for creating this opportunity. I look forward to seeing you again with ROS 2. :smile: